Green Resources

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Green Resources

Welcome to Green:

On this page you will find information pertaining to our growing green economy as it relates to real estate. You will also find links to Green resources that can provide you with additional information on the many areas of green investments to help you lead a more economical life style and what going green means.

What impact dose Green have when it comes to real estate?

What Green endeavors to do is to improve the comfort of ones living space by using Green construction or by retrofitting your home thus adding and improving the environment. Installing energy efficient appliances, energy efficient windows, Solar panel systems, water conservation systems, planting a tree on the sunny side of the house to help cool the house in the summer or installing a renewable energy heating or cooling system can make one’s life easier and more comfortable. The list is almost endless and a certified Green real estate agent can guide you through the process.

For instance let’s say I am your Realtor and you want to buy a green home or possibly retrofit an existing property such as your home. My first question to you would be, what is your comfort level in terms of temperature throughout the living space of your home? What temperature do you enjoy the most be it summer or winter? Once we know that answer we can begin the search for your Green home, renovating your current home or building a new Green home.

That is one of the most important question we could ask. This knowledge will not only provide us with your Ideal level of comfort, but will also tell us which areas of a property we can focus on to achieve that specific level of comfort.

We are often asked “what makes a Green home.” There are five areas that make a home Green. The first of which can be considered the cornerstone of Green is energy efficiency. The second is indoor air quality. The third is water conservation. The fourth is resource conservation. The fifth and final is community design.
The links at the bottom of this page are for your reference. Clink on the links and discover a new Green world.

If you have any questions pertaining to Green real estate please fill out the contact information sheet and we will contact you immediately.

US Department of Energy

U.S. Green Building Council

Database for State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency

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